Yes, Virginia - childhood traditions and hope for a New Year
We take pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of THE SUN:
Dear Editor: I am 8 years old.
Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus.
Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so."
Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?
Virginia O'Hanlon
115 West Ninety Fifth Street
Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except [what] they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.
Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.
You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.
No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.
...And even I got teary-eyed when this fellow showed up...
scheme in color
We've certainly been scheming here in the studio! Color scheming, that is. We have received shipment after shipment of market goodies for the past two weeks. Not everything has arrived yet, but I couldn't resist sharing a few vignettes at this stage after Mayme whirled through and placed the new treasures with a wave of her wand...
scheme in blue, {accented with some amazing faux banana leaves. trompe l'oeil in real time, friends!}
scheme in green, {with envy, if you must}
scheme in plum and aqua-ducks
scheme in rainbow, {see what I did there, LOVE...}
See something you love?
Give us a call (864.467.1930) and stop by the showroom. Not in Greenville? Some of this may be coming to the online shop, but not all of it, so please, either call or email for specific inquiries.
We would love to hear from you, even if we don't have the joy of seeing your face.
Does handwriting matter?
It’s slow, not as transmittable, and there is no delete button. Though I will resist launching into a protracted defense of handwriting, I can't help but reference a Wall Street Journal article that I read recently. "Virginia Berninger, a professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says handwriting differs from typing because it requires executing sequential strokes to form a letter, whereas keyboarding involves selecting a whole letter by touching a key. She says pictures of the brain have illustrated that sequential finger movements activated massive regions involved in thinking, language and working memory—the system for temporarily storing and managing information.” (You can read the entire article here.) But there you have it in a nut shell: handwriting exercises our brains and helps us think. I’m a firm believer in a hand-written list or brainstorming diagram for that very reason! But writing is not only for practical things; it can be decorative, too. We’ve had two fun lettering projects at the studio this past week...
Since our studio is open by appointment, the door is not always unlocked... so we jumped on the bandwagon and got a mailbox. Clearly it couldn't stay blank and plain. I used white acrylic paint, a small brush, and a slow and careful hand, because no stroke could be erased. I may go back and add more of the scrolls from my sketch another day when I am feeling brave.
Here's the final-for-now in context, a little sentry by our door.
If you thought that chalkboard-painted surfaces were only for children's playrooms, think again. Look at what a fun touch the chalkboard shade adds to this sophisticated Regina Andrew lamp!
Close-up of the sketch: sweet Marleigh is in for a treat! (Also, I did break the chalk in half.)
"We Can Evolve"
While sitting at my desk yesterday morning, I was struck by these simple words: "we can evolve." On the wall just beyond hang several prints of butterflies, optimally positioned as if to validate the mobile's bold statement. Like the butterfly, often the only way for us to truly keep living is to move on to something new, to expand, to reevaluate what is possible, to evolve.
We have several personal examples of our own evolution here at Mayme Baker Studio. Our biggest news is, of course, our new web shop, which enables you to browse from anywhere, any time! Another exciting development is the addition of two new employees. Debi Horton joined the team as Mayme's right hand lady... the organizational genius who makes sure all of the amazing ideas actually happen. The other is me, Tessa Pinner, content manager for the new web shop and the friendly voice you will see and hear in many email newsletters, facebook updates, and blog posts. I'm thrilled at the chance to start giving you some inside eye candy from the beauty and talent that is Mayme Baker Studio! I'll dish a more complete scoop on Debi and me later, but for now, here's a picture of us looking our darndest, just for you.
Tessa, left; Debi, right
While evolution is necessary and often wonderful, it is not without its own challenges. There is something lovely about walking into a tangible space with delightful treasures, all presented beautifully and in context. All of your senses are engaged, and maybe you are happily surprised by that special something in that obscure shelf of the corner case. You didn't expect to walk out with it, but it just spoke to you. We know that while our online shop is superbly convenient and has a much larger selection than we can hold in our studio and booth, sometimes you crave that special tangible interaction. SO! This is my reminder to you that while our studio is not open continuously, we welcome your call and subsequent drop-in! Additionally, our booth space at Antiques on Augusta (6 South Lewis Plaza) is alive and well. I popped up there a few days ago to snap some photos of the prettiness.
Hopefully these shots will tempt you to visit if you've never been or to revisit if you are a regular. We promise, we'll be placing new items there, too!
One of these fun trays displays inspiration from Audrey Hepburn on the topic of evolution: "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible'!"
Welcome Home!
So glad you’re back! And we couldn’t be more thrilled to announce the launch of our new website, Now you never have to leave – everything maymebaker is under one roof! We’ve put a fresh face on our classic style – offering you bold images of our work and play, access to our fabulous collections and Mayme Baker original paintings, along with interior design and home décor tips and inspiration here on our new blog.
We hope our distinctive take on design and newly renovated website will provide the extra spark you need to make your imaginations come to life! We can’t wait to help you get started.